Hiring Privacy Policy


The Data Controller will process your personal and curricular data, including your image. This information will be collected directly from you through the submission of your resume to the Data Processor in the context of an application or your spontaneous submission.


Personal, identifying and curricular data, as well as possibly sensitive data, collected from the interested party or from third parties that the Data Controller uses for selection procedures, are processed and used to follow up on the interested party’s request and, more specifically, to proceed with the verification of the prerequisites for hiring and/or the start of a collaboration. The collection will concern only common data; therefore, the candidate will not be required to indicate the so-called special data, as qualified by art. 9 of Reg. 2016/679 or about the state of health.


The processing of data occurs through computerized, telematic, and paper means.

The provision of data is optional and is left to the candidate’s will to submit their curriculum vitae. As for the data subsequently and possibly requested by the Controller, failure to provide it results in the impossibility of proceeding with the verification of the prerequisites for hiring and/or the initiation of the collaboration and, therefore, the possible establishment of the relationship with the Controller.

The processing of your personal and curricular data is based on the necessity to perform pre-contractual measures and to fulfill legal obligations to which the Data Controller is subject. This processing does not require your consent under Article 24 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and subsequent amendments, as well as Article 9(b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR). It pertains to data included in curricula spontaneously sent by the candidate for considering the possibility of an employment or collaboration relationship. Similarly, for any sensitive data provided in the same manner by the Data Subject, consent is not required according to Article 26 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003, paragraph 3, letter B-bis.


The personal data collected will not be disclosed or shared with unauthorized third parties. However, should you choose to participate, you may authorize us via the application form or by email to share some of your contact information with other companies seeking candidates for similar positions, if you are not selected for a position with us. This sharing will only occur with your explicit consent, which can be provided at the time of application and can be withdrawn at any time


The data will be kept by the Data Controller for five (5) years. This period will begin from June of the year following the presentation of the curriculum (period in which the company carries out its data control and deletion process).


At any time, you can exercise your rights towards the owner by contacting him through the references reported below, or request (for example) confirmation of the existence of data, its origin, purposes, update, cancellation, or exercise your right of opposition.


The Owner is:

Febucci S.R.L. a socio unico (Federico Bellucci)
Via Salvatore Quasimodo 90,
00144 Rome (RM),
VAT IT16965711001